Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT)

Dermatoglyphics is the scientific study of skin ridge patterns on fingers, toes, and soles. It unveils innate connections between these patterns and our intrinsic qualities. These unique patterns develop during fetal development, specifically between the 13th and 21st weeks, offering insights into our congenital traits and talents.

Medical experts and scientists have found that analyzing the distribution of brain cells in various parts of the brain can provide insights into an individual's multiple intelligences, innate potential capabilities, and personality traits through the Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT).

The Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) employs biometric analysis, focusing on the scientific examination of fingerprints. It proves beneficial for individuals of all age groups, offering specific advantages for parents and educators seeking insights into a child's inherent strengths and areas requiring attention. Derived exclusively from the child's biometrics, DMIT assessments provide clear, actionable insights, along with tailored career recommendations."


Right Brain is corresponding to Left Hand and Left Brain is corresponding to Right Hand


Every person possesses unique fingerprints; no two fingerprints are identical. Even within an individual's 10 fingers, the dermatoglyphic style, striae height, density, quantity, and point locations differ. Remarkably, no person exhibits the same fingerprint on a different digit, even if taken from the same hand.


The intricate pattern network formed from birth to death remains constant, persisting through life. Even with the regeneration of labor, the dermatoglyphic style, quantity, and profile shape are predetermined and remain unaltered.


Scientific statistics suggest that immediate family members tend to share similar striae patterns. Chromosomes in normal human cells may undergo mutations, leading to structural changes and striae mutations. Consequently, these mutations in the striae can be inherited.

Dermatoglyphics emerge in the human fingers, palms, toes, and the soles of the feet, forming intricate patterns. The fingerprints, generated in the fingers at birth, are distinct, while the palm's striae are formed simultaneously. In genetic counseling, it's described that the individual's skin texture develops synchronously with the growth lines and striae from the 13th to the 19th week of embryonic development. Once formed, these patterns remain unchanged throughout life.

Dermatoglyphics tests offer insights into five crucial aspects: superior brain function structure, operational aptitude, sensory learning channels, communication patterns in education, and eight multi-intelligence potentials. Every child possesses unique qualifications and potential, often misunderstood by parents. These tests help parents comprehend their child's cognitive abilities, brain cell distribution, and unique qualities, enabling timely development. Additionally, they guide the creation of an optimal learning environment tailored to the child's personality and communication style, enhancing overall learning outcomes. Dermatoglyphics tests thus empower parents to navigate their child's cognitive landscape, fostering a supportive and enriching educational journey.

Dermatoglyphics draws on the expertise of various scientific disciplines, including genetics, embryology, dermatoglyphics, and brain science. Through systematic observation, recording, contrasting, and inductive learning methods, coupled with clinical experience, scientists have reached a conclusive understanding. The analysis of fingerprints allows for an accurate assessment of a child's multiple intelligences and potential personality traits. This interdisciplinary approach enhances our comprehension of the intricate relationship between dermatoglyphics and various aspects of human development.

The striae test is rooted in cutting-edge scientific and medical research. Dermatoglyphics testing focuses on the enduring growth patterns in human hands and the protruding ridges on the soles of the feet, which remain constant throughout a person's lifetime. In contrast, palmistry targets the recessed lines on the palm, which undergo changes over time. This distinction highlights the reliability and consistency of dermatoglyphics testing as a valuable tool for understanding innate characteristics and potential.

The Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) distinguishes itself from traditional IQ tests by offering a comprehensive assessment of multiple intelligences. This includes linguistic intelligence, logical and mathematical intelligence, spatial intelligence, body-kinesthetic intelligence, musical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, introspective intelligence, and naturalist intelligence—encompassing a broader spectrum of human capabilities. Unlike IQ tests, which primarily focus on logical and mathematical intelligence, DMIT provides a nuanced understanding of diverse intelligences, reflecting a more holistic approach to evaluating an individual's cognitive strengths.

Through the Dermatoglyphics, we are able to find out:

  • Why are the children not interested in their learning?
  • The learning barrier because from the inappropriate stimulation and teaching
  • Why are the children always opposing to your
  • Why are the children so active, so stubborn, or why can they concentrate or sit still?
  • Find out the most appropriate way of teaching and communication

Dermatoglyphics is an interdisciplinary field integrating neurobiology, genetics, and embryology. Fingerprint patterns are not arbitrary but uniquely structured based on individual genetic composition. Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligences Tests are scientifically validated and computerized for over 90% accuracy. The synchronization of striae formation and brain development occurs between the 13th and 19th weeks of fetal development. Clinical evidence establishes the inherent connection between striae and multiple intelligences. Howard Gardner's theory further supports the existence of multiple intelligences in specific brain structures. Early understanding of dermatoglyphics empowers and facilitates the prompt development of a child's multiple intelligences.

Each child possesses distinctive qualities and untapped potential. Scientific methods allow us to comprehend a child's inherent characteristics and aptitude, enabling more effective teaching. If a child already exhibits strengths, providing targeted stimulation enhances their strengths further. Conversely, if a child has untapped potential that goes undeveloped, those abilities may diminish over time. Therefore, it is crucial to provide accurate and timely stimulation to avoid the deterioration of precious abilities and ensure holistic development.

Place each finger on a scanning machine, and within a week, you'll receive a comprehensive 20-25 page report. The first page unveils your innate learning potential, peak hidden potential, and learning style. Page two delves into your learning style and key personality traits. Page three explores primary and secondary character traits, along with parenting styles (for those above 21). Page four assesses strengths and weaknesses, providing strategies for improvement. Pages five and six analyze your multiple intelligences, offering career planning recommendations. The subsequent pages detail the science of dermatoglyphics, the human brain, and multiple intelligence.

our team Members

Dr Davinder Singh Johal

M.A., M.Phil. Ph.D.

More than 32 years Research and Teaching experience,
Associate Professor (Retd.),
Department of Psychology.
Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar,
Department of Psychology

Kanwal Pardeep Singh Kahlon

Retd. PRINCIPAL( D.I.E.T Amritsar)

Experience: 30 years in Teaching pedagogies and Teacher Training workshops.

Coordinator :State and District Action Research.

Rashmi Sharma


Experience: 17 years in Teaching and Administration ( National & International)


Chetan Sharma


Experience: Founder & CEO Certified to conduct and generate psychometric test and DMIT reports, having 15+ years experience in Web Techonologies

Company: Alliance-ecommerce